Friday, July 8, 2016

Crossing Lines

               top: Eight Slate Blair; skorts: The Fifth Label Fact & Fiction 
                                                                    from Threefold Collection

A few Fridays ago I got another piercing on my left ear (man, it took me 10 seconds to figure out which is my left...), just right beside my first piercing. I've thought about getting one since last year and delayed acting it out until mid-2016. So much procrastination going on yeah? Haha! Anyway, I'm really loving the piercing and although I want to remove the starter stud, I haven't because I don't have a spare stud to fill in the piercing afterwards... One more item added on to the shopping list. 

Here, I'm in my go-to colour palette: white, denim, & black. It's so easy to mix-and-match, once you've got all the basics in your wardrobe, and avoid looking boring. I love this pleated top but I wish the armholes aren't so big, although they do facilitate wearing/removing. The fold and buttons of the denim skorts also make it an elevated not-your-usual-denim-shorts piece. Definitely a staple for me.

Chasing light is not as easy as waking up early/hunting for the right spots, it requires a little luck. From where I stay, the tall buildings and gloomy skies are often a hindrance, but thank goodness there's also an abundance of trees to create this beautifully splattered light and shadows (and white walls!). Also, thank you to Allan for his help and patience with my light-chasing every time. I am a really blessed girl. 


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