Wednesday, June 22, 2016


dress: The Fifth Label Age of Aquarius from Workshop Collection

It's a little embarrassing how long I've delayed this little project of mine for. My best friends know that I've been planning to revamp my blog for the longest time... and finally it's up again! Honestly, nothing much has changed. I was pretty happy with how this space looked before, except for the banner. 

I've owned a blog (on various hosts, although only one's active at a time) for ages and dreamt of having an illustration of something as a banner, but since I suck at drawing, it just didn't happen. Then my best friend got in a design course and developed an interest for illustration works, so I was like, hey, could you illustrate a picture of me? Hahaha, vain.

So thank you Carmen, for making my dream come true. I think it is going to motivate me to post a lot more here. I've just had so many ideas running through my mind and can't wait to share them. Of course, this space is nothing much, but I promise it's all from my heart and I'll be sincere (and truthful to myself) about everything I write in here. 

p/s: thank you to those who left me messages on various platforms, whether you're a friend, stranger, or an anonymous, telling me that you miss my blog; it means a crazy lot!


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