Friday, February 1, 2019

One month late

Happy 2019! A very belated greeting, as the title suggests... I failed to keep my goal of posting here at least once a month in 2018 and definitely already failed at it in the new year, since there's none in January. Nonetheless, February will be off to a great start!

Above: how the desk looked like end of last year. First thing this morning when I woke up I cleaned my area and threw out a huge bag of stuff. To make space for new and better things you really cannot hesitate to let go. While I believe I'm fairly organised at work I'm not as tidy as I'd like to be for my personal space. Time check, 10:41PM, desktop is still looking as good as *new* (50% less things than the picture!!). 

Even though I can't believe we're already into the second month of 2019, 2018 felt pretty long now that I'm looking back at what I've been up to in the past year. But I'm not complaining if time slows down; I'm realising the importance of "living in the moment" increasingly with each day. In January I was a nervous wreck, though now I see that I haven't lost anything but instead learnt and gained so much. I am so so blessed to be receiving encouragement from friends and strangers at a time when I needed it most... people who see my worth when I couldn't. Gives me so much more to keep going.

Digressed! I hope everyone had a wonderful start to the year so far. If you're in your lows and feel that you're losing strength, remember: it's the time when you'll have the most to gain. Fighting!
