Thursday, March 1, 2018

Random thoughts + jamming to:

March: for me, a really busy month. More work, more tasks, and a lot of detailed planning to be finalised for my upcoming trip. Strangely, I feel that I'm going to enjoy this busy month. Even stranger, there's this weird mix of half-dreading, half-anticipating feeling for my trip. There's always this bittersweet feeling of going on a holiday and it coming to an end. To feel that you couldn't cherish every single second spent experiencing something totally new and different, to feel that you will forget all the less significant but still hella precious moments. 

So I am going to enjoy this busy March. It's going to be a really productive month, and I want to feel like I deserve that good break. Also, I'll be attending the first ever concert of my life! So, so excited for Lany.

Meanwhile, my recent jams: