Sunday, January 21, 2018

New acquisitions

A very belated hello to 2018!

The last few months of 2017 was, well, busy, that I have not posted anything for three months. Whatever happened in the past year now is a blur in my head, not that I've actually moved on. Dang. I take too damn long to move on. I feel like I'm still stuck in 2009. And we're not too far off from 2020 now. Whelp.

Fondest memories from 2017 must be my vacation to Taiwan. I find myself constantly missing all the wonderful experiences from that trip. Hong Kong was beautiful too but the heat, insufferable! The weather plays such a big part in anything, everything.

21 days into the new year and I've already learnt a very important lesson. On the kind of person I should and shouldn't be. I realised how I was in the past. And it is okay if you haven't been your best. As long as you care to admit and reflect, you will constantly improve to be a better version of you today than yesterday. 

Another high of 2017 was my wardrobe decisions. It was definitely a quality over quantity approach I had. Whatever I bought broke my bank but they are mainstays and I see the potential in them being heirlooms (too farfetched?). So come 2018, another year for more statement pieces.

New year, new dress, anyone?
